Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5-21-13 Quit? Mad.

Hey everyone! Emory here!

         Thanks, (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) for sticking with me.
This person is my best friend in real life, and I've known her for 3 years... We are like sisters and we hang out so much. She forgives me and never holds grudges, no matter what. We do so many things together. She cares and always notices when I'm upset, sad, or mad. She's not like anyone I've ever met. She's always happy, and not one of those snotttttty, stuck-up, whatever you want to call them, sad all the time people. I never knew that we would become best friends when I first met her. I remember we were assigned to work on homework together, I remember sitting in the corner of the classroom, muffling our laughs.
if you're the person i'm talking about, you're so special to me...

And uh, YEAH. All the sh*t I've been caused by ourWorld, it's just, unimaginable. It's like ourWorld has no point anymore. Why should I care? I'm considering quitting, serious this time.

Usually when people are in a condo you assume they're hanging out with some friend/s, right? I wouldn't say usually. Usually, I'm sitting in my condo doing nothing. It's not like I have anyone who I'm they're number 1 friend, and they're mine. No, just regular people-I-know friends.

I'm sick and tired of all of this!! >:|
I don't even know about ourWorld, or life anymore. My crew is a total disaster. So many people have left, and that's 1/2 why I'm mad.
Sorry I didn't post for days.
Sorry for everything else.
Cya around...


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