Wednesday, June 5, 2013

6-5-13 Kik, Pageview help, and Contest help e-e

Hey everyone! Emory here!

Before I tell everyone my Kik, I really want to get more page views. Help out  by telling all of your friends about my blog! I will be hosting a contest soon, but first YOU have to help me get more page views, and umm... well, I have to think of a contest that you people can't cheat at.

(Any ideas? Message me!)

Help by telling me what YOU would want as a prize in this contest.

I have noticed a slight drop in pageviews, because I have not been posting as much due to a WAY busier schedule during the summer, compared to even school.

I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I'm just so excited! Oh and if you have any ideas for a contest message me. I'll probably give out my Kik name next week, if you don't know it. I'm really busy right now. And sadly I barely have time to message my friends Dx. Yeah and I'm going to a softball pitching camp, double header, practice, and another game tonight e.e...

One of my ideas is
Kik messaging contests to answer the Question of the day.
Are you people excited? I ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love exclamation points. They're beautiful.<3!

Has anyone seen Yahoo's post about the Fluffy cow?
So cute!

Cya around!


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