Thursday, May 30, 2013

5-30-13 YouTube Music Video and Coins!

Hey everyone! Emory here!

This will be my last post before the weekend, I'm going to Missouri! :D
I should be able to blog again on Monday or maybe even Sunday night/evening??

This video is Make You Feel My Love by TheScript 8D~
I don't know about you, but I love this song! The video was well done, and no it's not steak,. It only has 6 likes but I say it deserves more! Here is the link to the video:
Check it out! I order you to!

Also, you can now show your coins to others who view your profile. (Or you can hide them)
Cool right? And don't make fun of my what-may-seem wimpy 1,003,725 coins e.e

Cya around!


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