Thursday, June 27, 2013

6-27-13 YOU DECIDE

Hey everyone! Emory here!

Just letting you all know that I can't blog Friday, or this weekend.

Any way... I'm letting you all decide my schedule for blogging!!
My good friend Trixie (Toy Story 8D) Said that I should have some art, games, music, etc. Things that grab peoples' attention.

I have already decided that:

Monday - Misc.
Tuesday - Condo
Wednesday - Secrets
Thursday -
Friday - Glitches
Saturday -
Sunday -

You decide!! Leave me a COMMENT or send me a MESSAGE on ourWorld. (My name is Emory)
Also I'm going to make music vids again! I'll let you know when I'm finished with my first one on my new acc.!

Cya around!


do not copy

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