Monday, July 1, 2013

7-1-13 JULY! :D and chrono :3

IHey everyone! Emory here!

With a new month come some fabulous new updates! c:
^Okay that was a little cheesy .-.
there are the Star spangled items, which cost 20 gems.
Oh, boii. Then there are the Tech Trooper items.
Is this happening to anyone else?
I mean really! I have no head!

Wow. Okay...
And check out this post by Zoe (June 24th)

Btw make sure that you get your Rainbow Mystery Boxes and Star Baby Mystery Boxes before they're gone on the 21st! A Rainbow box is 60 gems and a Star Baby mystery box is 80 gems.

cya later alligators c:

§ Emory §

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