Tuesday, January 7, 2014

1-7-13 Some updates!

Hey people.
Long time no see e.e

But I'm back bc SNOW! (The school cancelled, its negative 12 here)

I noticed some chat updates today while on ourWorld. Here's the scoop:

1. The people in the room are ordered alphabetically
2. If the player you are whisper chatting logs off, you can still see the conversation (I actually thought of this)
3. You can take pictures of store items, anything on your chat log (proving to oW staff that someone is harming you) , and anything in your inventory.

4. Once at the store, you can exit the clothing section, get back to it, and your clothes will still be there.
5. The oW staff added 'equip' and 'take off' buttons to items in the shop.

6. ourWorld tells you when a player you were whispering to gets offline.
7. When you make a chatting event, you can now have up to 50 people in a chat room.
8. Getting married now has an event button. ( No longer trying to find the place >:o )

Well that's about all I have noticed my self!
If you've noticed more, comment and I may add it to the list.
PM me for more info!
okai now bai.

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